Believing in self

When I have the pleasure of delivering a speech. I explore five themes: Hard work, making adjustments, staying the course, believing in self, and never giving up. These very themes I use daily to combat obesity. This is an excerpt from my first motivational speech I delivered this summer:

I stay the course because I believe in myself. Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you’re right.”

Sure, along the way there has been self-doubt. Losing 170 lbs. is hard work. In fact, it is the hardest thing I’ve EVER done.

But, I’m worth the fight. All the bumps in the road are just that bumps. What I’m learning as I grow as a person is that it doesn’t matter what others believe about me. What matters is that I believe in myself. At the end of the day there’s only me.

I have always been a fan of the underdog. The one who the odds are stacked up against. The one that society is betting against. Many of our American sports heroes are underdogs: Rocky, Cinderella Man, and Rudy to name a few. There’s something about the quiet, enduring spirit of the underdog that I admire and can relate to.

As a product of childhood obesity, the odds are stacked up against me. Statistics are not in my favor. Most overweight children grow up to be overweight adults. In my case, that is mostly true, as I have been carrying the weight around for 39 years. But, I have a burning desire to beat the statistics. I am going to turn childhood obesity statistics upside down.

Every time I walk into the gym I realize I am not the favorite and that I am not slated to win. By golly, I have the spirit of the underdog, even with the odds stacked up against me, I believe in myself. I believe I can win.

Folks, I’m proof, YOU can do anything YOU set your mind to.

Chrisetta Mosley

Chrisetta Mosley

I am a product – and now a survivor – of childhood obesity. As a child, my family always told me that my extra weight was merely baby fat and I’d eventually grow out of it. I never did. Instead, my childhood is filled with memories of not being able to ride a bike, flattening its training wheels from being over the recommended weight, and avoiding P.E. classes by any means necessary. For years, I wore my fatness like a wounded soldier wears a Purple Heart - with pride. I owned the look. I dressed it up. I worked the room. There wasn't a skinny girl who intimidated me. I made sure my hair was laid just right. Nails polished. Outfits coordinated to the tee. Accessories to compliment every outfit. But everyone has a breaking point, and mine came in the spring of 2004 when I tipped the scale at nearly 400 pounds 388 to be exact. I was MISERABLE trapped inside of that body. I no longer wore my Purple Heart with pride. Rather, I was ashamed and frightened. Ashamed that I had allowed food to become my everything – frightened I would die because of it. Drastic times called for drastic measures... Today, I’m bound and determined to live a better, healthier, active lifestyle. I realize I’m no longer a passenger in my life, I’m the driver. I’m overcoming my inhibitions and I’m slowly but surely saying farewell to my old childhood nemesis, obesity. For once and for all, Farewell Fatso!

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