
Repost: Steel Good

I love a warm bowl of oatmeal on a cold fall morning. For months, I’ve been reading and hearing about the benefits of Steel Cut Oats, so recently I decided […]

Repost: I am fat, I am not fat – Thank you

I've said this many times before I can not lose this weight in silence. Losing 170 + lbs. is no small feat. I've been told by two personal trainers that […]

Oh, crap!

The more I learn about the food industry. The more appalled, outraged I become. I shouldn't dwell on the past, but I started thinking about all the crappy food I […]

12 days, 3 weeks, 4 months

Lately, I haven't been my active self. Truthfully, my eating habits have been a little iffy too. There are plenty of reasons why, but I won't make excuses. I'll just […]

My word

I've said this before, my journey is more than a physical transformation. This is a transformation from the inside out. I want to be a person that radiates happiness, […]

My new love, Kale

I never thought I'd say this, but move over spinach you are no longer my favorite dark leafy green. Your big brother, Kale has stolen my heart. What's not to […]

Healthy Cooking 101: In their words

Class session number six, Homemade Tomato Soup with Grilled Paninis at Chuck's Produce & Street Market was another success. There were 23 eager class participants in the crowd with half […]

Touching Lives, Making Connections

Just three short months ago I stood in front of 12 men at a Men's Breakfast as the featured speaker. I had no idea what I was doing. How I […]


This just seems fitting for today. Here's a repost of a previous blog. Enjoy! Friday, January 28, 2011 Kicking and Screaming By now, you have heard some version or another of my story. […]


The blog has had 15,000 visitors. Yes, 15,000! The numbers just keep ballooning because of YOU. I thank you all for your support from the bottom of my heart. You give […]

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