There I was all by myself trembling, sweating, and about to give up on the plank. If I gave in and released the plank, who would know? It was in that moment I recalled being in class, fatigued and ready to collapse to the ground from plank position when the trainer said, “Don’t give up on yourself.” I held the plank that day because of those inspiring words and ever since have used them to help me get through tough workouts. After all, throughout all this there is ONLY me. This isn’t a show for anyone else. I don’t show up at NWPT studio just because I want to be seen there or have bragging rights about having gone there. I started this journey because of an internal desire to change myself.

At 388 pounds I was a miserable soul, so whenever I get discouraged or feel like giving up I remember the alternative. This battle is not being fought for anyone else. This battle is mine and mine alone. I push myself to the limit because I never, ever, ever want to return to that lonely, miserable place again. I push myself because I want to be healthy and fit. I push myself because I want to look good. Heck, one day I want to sashay around in a pair of 4” heels. So when I’m working out and at the brink of giving up from embarrassment, fatigue, or a combination thereof, I push through.

I talk to lots of folks through my blog and FB page – I love when folks reach out to me. That’s one of the reasons I blog. Anyhow, I notice folks sometimes seek my advice and they start off with great intentions then all the sudden I don’t hear from them anymore. There could be a number of factors as to why these folks stop seeking advice — please, I don’t want to assume anything, but I will say this is a mental battle like no other. I believe, perhaps folks set their expectations to high and when the return doesn’t happen fast enough they give up.

Folks when the going gets tough, you have to figure out a way to talk past the demons. There will be all sorts of demons telling you, you can’t do it — it’s too hard. The road to a healthy, fit lifestyle is not going to be easy. Especially, with all the set-ups: Fast, cheap, convenient food, drive-thrus, etc. There are going to be obstacles, but you have to find a way to maneuver around them. It’s not about me, your trainer, your spouse, your kids — this is about YOU. Don’t give up on yourself.

Take it from someone who has lost 170 pounds and counting. Oh, the obstacles I’ve encountered. Believe me, I know how hard it is. But, I also know that I’m worth it. I’ll never, ever give up on myself.

Chrisetta Mosley

Chrisetta Mosley

I am a product – and now a survivor – of childhood obesity. As a child, my family always told me that my extra weight was merely baby fat and I’d eventually grow out of it. I never did. Instead, my childhood is filled with memories of not being able to ride a bike, flattening its training wheels from being over the recommended weight, and avoiding P.E. classes by any means necessary. For years, I wore my fatness like a wounded soldier wears a Purple Heart - with pride. I owned the look. I dressed it up. I worked the room. There wasn't a skinny girl who intimidated me. I made sure my hair was laid just right. Nails polished. Outfits coordinated to the tee. Accessories to compliment every outfit. But everyone has a breaking point, and mine came in the spring of 2004 when I tipped the scale at nearly 400 pounds 388 to be exact. I was MISERABLE trapped inside of that body. I no longer wore my Purple Heart with pride. Rather, I was ashamed and frightened. Ashamed that I had allowed food to become my everything – frightened I would die because of it. Drastic times called for drastic measures... Today, I’m bound and determined to live a better, healthier, active lifestyle. I realize I’m no longer a passenger in my life, I’m the driver. I’m overcoming my inhibitions and I’m slowly but surely saying farewell to my old childhood nemesis, obesity. For once and for all, Farewell Fatso!

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