The other day, my instructor mentioned in class that perhaps we should re-frame our way of thinking. Instead of saying we don’t have time to __ we should say I don’t make it a priority. She’s right. There are only 24 hours in the day. You only have 24 hours. I only have 24 hours. It just comes down to how we choose to spend our hours.
If you’re like me when you really want something you find a way to make it happen. You make it a priority. Well, I have quite a list of things I want. So it’s been rather challenging to prioritize. Blogging, speaking events, cooking classes, book writing, taking classes in the Fitness Trainer program, and oh yeah, trying to live a better healthier life. After all, I’m the gal who publicly declared I’d be “Fit by Forty”. Ha.
I have good intentions to keep up with my workout schedule, but over the last few weeks it has become less of a priority. Rather than beat myself up about it I focus on the big picture. This folks is life and I’m doing my best to balance it all. Sometimes I have to make adjustments. Currently, I’ve moved my workouts down a few notches on my priority list. I’m still dialed in on my nutrition, and I figure I do get a workout in, in my Exercise Technique class. Surely, my priorities shift from time-to-time, but the ultimate goal remains the same: To live a happy, fit, healthy life, and sharing my story to help others do the same.