Cat Tales

A Year of Cat Rescue Resolutions for You!

Have you thought of adding some new and different resolutions to your traditional New Year’s list? Have you ever thought about getting involved in the world of cat rescue, but didn’t […]

Halitosis in Cats

If your kitty’s breath seems less than fresh lately, there are various reasons behind it, the most common being periodontal disease.   An inflammation of the tissues surrounding your cat’s teeth, it’s […]

Glaucoma in Cats

While common in people and dogs, glaucoma is rare in cats, but can ultimately lead to blindness. However, an early diagnosis coupled with the proper treatment affords concerned owners a […]

Cardiomyopathy in Cats

Cardiomyopathy, simply put, refers to a “disease of the heart muscle,” specifically the myocardium. It’s a condition caused by a structural abnormality in one or more of the four chambers of […]

Fancy More Fun Feline Facts?

Facts, fun and fanciful, some purr-haps familiar, others new – for the feline fancier in all of you: Genetically, if somewhat surprisingly, a domestic cat is 95.6% tiger! Although humans […]

Terrific and Safe Toys for Senior Cats

Although your senior cat may now spend more time lounging and less time playing, she still needs activities to keep her both mentally and physically fit. Could YOU be missing […]

Can Cats Lie Down on Cue?

Curious as to whether or not YOUR favorite feline can be taught to lie down on cue? According to pet trainers, it’s, paws down, one of the easiest behaviors a cat […]

Feline Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis -- inflammation of the pancreas – is relatively rare, but recognizing its signs early is essential to any cat’s health. These signs can include lethargy, increased thirst and urination, […]

Excessive Tearing in Cats

Veterinarians usually divide epiphora, or excessive tearing, into two categories -- excessive tear production or inadequate tear drainage.   Similar to our own eyes, a cat’s eyes will tear after being exposed […]

Is Kitty Allergic to YOU?

Have you ever observed that your kitty’s allergy symptoms seem to worsen the more time you spend together? Have you ever considered the possibility that she may be allergic to […]

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