Cat Tales

Nosebleeds in Cats

Cats can experience nosebleeds (epistaxis) for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t require that great a trauma for a cat’s delicate nasal blood vessels to begin bleeding as a result […]

Oh! Those Orange Cats

Outstanding in any cat crowd, orange-colored cats are anything but ordinary. Whether obliging or obstinate, outspoken or observant, most are as outsized as they are openhearted, and their orange-obsessed owners most […]

Cats’ Most Common Skin Complaints

Of the numerous skin disorders discomfiting to your cat and distressing to you, the most common are Feline Alopecia, Eosinophilic granuloma, and Miliary dermatitis.  1) Alopecia, the technical term for bald […]

Cat Tales Blog listed as one of the best for 2017

Furry Friends Cat Tale Blog What an honor! Thanks to the hard work and effort of our Cat Tale blog author, Nomi Berger, we have received an award as one of […]

Felines and Zodiac Signs

Are your pussycats’ purr-sonalities written in the stars? It may be more fancy than fact, but consulting the cosmos for clues can be both entertaining and illuminating. All you need […]

Is Ribbon Risky for Kitty?

It’s an open secret that cats ENJOY playing with ribbon. In fact, anything resembling a ribbon – be it string, yarn or twine, shoelaces, tinsel or rubber bands – is […]

Cats and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

As the days grow darker and shorter, and the thermometer plummets, so does the mood of millions of people living in the Northern Hemisphere. But humans are not the only […]

Cats’ Night Crazies Driving You Crazy?

All too familiar with frisky felines waking you at 4 AM? Whether it’s to play, snack or cuddle, what’s endearingly amusing during the day is emphatically annoying at night. But then, cats’ […]

Cats Who Act Like Dogs

There’s long been a stereotypical depiction of cats by diehard dog lovers, who consider canines social and eager to please while finding felines aloof and openly independent. There are, however, several […]

When Pills Pose a Problem

While some cat guardians are either extremely blessed or exceptionally adept at getting their furry family members to swallow pills whole without issue, most pet parents seek a safer (sneakier?) […]

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