Cat Tales

Hypertension in Cats

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when a cat’s arterial blood pressure is continually higher than normal. When caused by another disease, it’s known as secondary hypertension, while primary hypertension […]

Stomatitis in Cats

Whether you’re familiar or unfamiliar with this condition, simply put, feline stomatitis is a severe and painful inflammation of a cat’s mouth and gums. Affecting cats of any age and […]

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Has your senior kitty been wolfing down her food but losing weight? Has her fur lost its luster? Is she overly active, crying at night, and flooding her litter box? If […]

Keeping Cats Off Counters

Do curiosity and counter cruising go paw in paw in your household? Whether your cat climber’s intent is to forage for forgotten food or find the finest view of the kitchen, […]

Why Do Cats Put Toys in Their Bowls?

The short answer, despite several theories: no one really knows. And yet, consider the following: Safekeeping: The theory given the most credence by animal behaviorists involves a cat’s territorial instinct. They believe […]

Salmonella in Cats

Salmonella is the bacterium behind enteritis or salmonellosis in cats and lodges itself in their intestinal tracts. Cats typically contract the infection from the saliva or feces of other infected […]

Scooting in Cats

Scooting (the act of a pet dragging his/her bum along the ground) may be seen more often in dogs, but cats sometimes scoot as well – usually when their rears […]

10 Ways to Coax Cats to Drink More Water

Most cats don’t drink enough water. Does YOURS? If the answer is no, consider the following suggestions.   Change to a mostly wet-food diet: Since canned food has more moisture than […]

All About Tail Wags

Curious about the meaning behind YOUR kitty’s tail wag? According to many cat behaviorists, the manner in which your frolicsome feline wags her tail can have several different meanings. Consider then: “The […]

Cat Strokes: The Silent Stalkers

While relatively rare, a cat stroke is always alarming. A stroke occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is obstructed, resulting in almost immediate tissue damage and disruption of […]

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