Recycled cats are priceless

Pet overpopulation continues to be a huge problem. Shelters have limited capacity and every 8 seconds an unwanted cat or dog is euthanized somewhere in the United States. It is a sad reality, but you can help to be part of the solution by adopting one of these recycled felines.
Here are a few reasons to consider adding one or more recycled shelter cats to your household.
- There is a full selection available: Whether it is a kitten, adolescent, senior or special needs cat, your local shelter will have a large selection for you to choose from. There will also be cats of all colors and personalities. Find the perfect feline for your situation.
- Shelter cats are ready to go: They’re spayed or neutered, immunized, dewormed, microchipped and assessed for behavioral issues.
- Adoption fees are lower than buying a cat: The cost of purchasing a purebred cat is significantly higher than acquiring a shelter cat. And don’t be fooled by taking a free kitten. If you are a responsible pet owner, you will be spending $300 to $400 to take care of vaccinations, spay/neuter, micro chip etc. These are things that have already been taken care of when you adopt a shelter cat.
- You’ll save a life: By adopting a shelter cat you will be part of the overpopulation solution. This will open up a spot for another cat to come into the shelter. Why not consider a cat that is more than five years old. These cats tend to settle into routines quickly, making them great housemates. And if you travel a lot, consider adopting cats as a pair so they can keep each other company.
Furry Friends will be offering their recycled cats for adoption June 25–26, 2016 at the Recycled Arts Festival (RAF) held at Esther Short Park, 301 West 8th Street in Vancouver, WA. It has grown into a huge family event, with more and more participants every year.
Come on out and “purruse” the adoptable cats, talk with the Furry Friends volunteers relax and listen to music, get all sorts of info on what you can do to help the kitties besides adopting a cat and check out some of the great cat themed merchandise that Furry Friends will have for purchase.
Furry Friends will be offering discounted Avid FriendChip ID microchipping for dogs and cats on Saturday, June 25th from 9am to 1pm and Sunday , June 26th from 9am to 1pm. The chips will be implanted in your pet by our volunteer licensed vet tech for only $20 (a $45 value). Cats often do not wear collars, and may not have any other form of ID. A recent study showed that less than 2% of cats without microchips were returned home. However, if a cat is microchipped, the return-to-owner rate is 20 times higher than if the cat was not microchipped. This unique permanent identification gives your lost pet a much better chance of coming home.
Furry Friends volunteers will be available Saturday from 9am-5pm and Sunday from 10am-4pm. The cats will be there during those hours. Come on out to meet the cats and volunteers or to learn more about the care of cats and the mission of Furry Friends.
Furry Friends is a nonprofit, all volunteer, no kill, cat adoption organization in Vancouver, WA. Its mission is to help homeless, relinquished and abused cats by providing spaying and neutering, medical care and foster shelter for as long as it takes to find their forever home.
For more information about Furry Friends, visit, email information@furryfriendswaorg or leave a message at (360) 993-1097.
Recycled cats are priceless, so let’s make our planet more purrfect and adopt a recycled cat today!

Furry Friends will have their recycled cats available for adoption at the Recycled Arts Fair held at Esther Short Park June 25-26, 2016.