Thanksgiving is for kitties too

Ahhhh Thanksgiving Day, the turkey is in the oven, the house smells delightful, the table is set and the family is about to arrive. Let’s see, did I forget anything? Oh yes, the kitties. Even though I may be looking forward to the occasion it can cause some anxiety for the kitties. All the extra commotion going on and furniture being moved around can interfere with their feeling of well being. Cats like routine and when the routine is out of whack they can feel anxiety.
Plus if you have indoor kitties, having the front door opening and closing often while your guests are arriving is a perfect opportunity for kitty to slip out the door. Your guests may not know that you don’t want your felines to go outside. Consider having your kitties in a room away from all the activity, they may feel a little more secure that way and you have the comfort of knowing that they are safe.
You may be tempted to give your kitty food from the table; after all, it is Thanksgiving. Some cats do ok having a little bit of cooked turkey, but other’s do not. Plus it may not be a good habit to get your cat into eating food from the table. People food can cause stomach pains, diarrhea and even pancreatitis. Some foods are toxic to cats such as sage, onion, garlic, grapes, raisins and chocolate.
Make this Thanksgiving a holiday that can be enjoyed by you and your fur babies. Consider making a donation to your local animal welfare agency this holiday. Help other less fortunate kitties enjoy the gift of food, shelter and medical. Visit the Furry Friends website if you would like to see ways you can help local underprivileged kitties