By Cody Gray
Vancouver Brewfest
I’ve always wondered why Loowit Brewing named their IPA after a ninja, and after researching for this blog I am now (somewhat) enlightened. Naming it “Shadow Ninja” makes it doubly ninja-ish!
I’m not sure if it’s because of my Kung Fu TV series watching as a kid or the old ninja movies, but the name just sounds cool! And the beer has this great match of flavors that blend well into a refreshing citrus/floral/hoppy brew sure to please any stealthy warrior.
A ninja (忍者?) or shinobi (忍び?) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan who specialized in unorthodox warfare. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration and assassination — even open combat in certain situations. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja)
Loowit’s beer is available around town as well as the Shadow Ninja secret hideout (that would be Loowit’s taproom) across from the Hilton’s parking garage.
You can also buy growler fills from the Loowit lair.
I have to admit these past few years I’ve come to love a great fresh, light, floral, citrusy IPA.
That’s what I’ve been brewing myself. I’m experimenting with my home grown Cascade and Hallertauer/Tettenger hop concoction, and I’ve been throwing in some 10 varieties of citrus/floral/spicy pellet hops on the dry hop. Most love my beer now-a-days if I do say so myself. 🙂
Shadow Ninja, however, takes it to another level.
Go to www.loowitbrewing.com for tasting room hours and other information.
And when you visit the tasting room don’t leave without a great game of darts! They have real metal tipped darts and I rather enjoy that. If you see me there just ask and I’d love to play with you!