Bob Dean
Out of the Mouth of Babes……
I read Greg Jayne's article on the "Truth about Common Core".... I responded to him with a few things I have learned about standards over the last couple of decades. […]
Common Core Becoming Toxic for Politicians
Huckabee steps back from Common Core It's not surprising to see that former supporters of Common Core are now running from the controversial standards the same way democrats are bailing from […]
States Fight back Against Federal Overreach
South Carolina is rejecting Obamacare South Carolina is voting on a bill to end Obamacare in the state. State legislators have already passed H3101 in the house and have sent it […]
Bill Gates: Don't Monetize my Students!
There is nothing more dangerous than a billionaire with too much time on his hands. Bill Gates admits he knows nothing about teaching but that hasn’t stopped him from […]
Are we fixing the State's Math Problem? – Fat Chance!
Everyone knows we have a nation wide obesity problem. Imagine if we attempted to do something about that problem in this state using the same methods that we have used […]
Common Core Standards aren't really very Common
From the 5th grade Common Core Standards: Interpret the product (a/b) × q as a parts of a partition of q into b equal parts; equivalently, as the result of a sequence […]