We’ve got mail

Lots of mail.

Yes, as a media organization we receive mountains of mail, or at least you could envision mountains if we hit the Print button every time something popped into our email inboxes or our phone voicemail boxes. Thankfully, we do not do this. We simply hit Reply or possibly, yes, Delete.

Some of the mail we get is very entertaining, some of it inane. Some of it can lead to reporting and good stories, photos and/or video, some of it can lead to deep sighs, eye-rolls and/or, on occasion, laughter.

It’s with this in mind we thought we’d create this blog to share some of our mail with you, and also provide answers when possible to questions that arise in your messages.

Our aim is to be both entertaining and helpful. Who knows, maybe you’ll even read this and send us, yes, more mail.

Of course, you’re also welcome to just leave a comment.

John Hill

John is the web and photo editor at The Columbian, where he has worked since 1995 in various roles. A journalist for the past 25 years, he’s a fan of good storytelling, data, graphics and still likes to read an actual newspaper. Twitter: @hilljohng

We’ve got mail

John Hill

John is the web and photo editor at The Columbian, where he has worked since 1995 in various roles. A journalist for the past 25 years, he's a fan of good storytelling, data, graphics and still likes to read an actual newspaper. Twitter: @hilljohng

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