Well, Hello There

Happy Day!! Up and at ‘em early. Rode my bike to and from the pool, swimming a mile in between.
It dawned on me, it’s been weeks since I’ve posted anything!
I guess it’s taken some time to acclimate to having 3 kiddos {elementry, middle school and high school ages} home with me full time. We’ve been here, there and everywhere.
I’ve also taken a different approach to fitness this summer, putting my Crossfit membership on hold and gearing activities towards the kids and outdoor sports.
Though I miss throwing weights around, we’ve made a ton of awesome memories and my kids are having a blast.
My nutrition has stayed the course at a healthy 80/20 Paleo lifestyle. Though, now that my cardio is kicked up a notch, I’ve taken a liking to PB & J sammy’s stuffed with BBQ chips. {I know, so wrong. Yet, so right.}
Hope you’re having a fabulous summer and taking time to breathe deep the goodness of life.
Much love,