Lazy, Hazy Days

Some summer, huh? Hottest on record in the ‘Couve not because of daytime temps but the heat at night. Maybe some cooler temps this week but…
So, just in case the cool-down doesn’t get here, how about something sweet, juicy and cool to share with your partner on a warm evening? Summer fruits are plentiful now and this fruit salad recipe can include most of them.
What’s romantic about fruit? Oh, lots of things. Here are a few examples from “Simple, Sexy Foods”:
Grapes–Feeding someone a grape. Need I say more about what makes this fruit romantic?
Kiwi–This yummy fruit showed up in a survey as one the participants had heard had special qualities for lovers. Must be the sweet taste and plentiful seeds, signs of fertility.
Mangos–The mango has a long history as a lover’s fruit. It’s mentioned in the Kama Sutra and is often part of Indian wedding ceremonies.
Peaches–Just one bite of a ripe, juicy peach (or its cousin the nectarine) is all it takes to understand the reputation peaches have for being a sweet and sexy fruit. The shape of the fruit and the texture of the skin probably play a role here, too.
Pineapples–Their resemblance to a pine cone aside (which is probably where they got their name), the sweet/tart flavor of this tropical fruit is a good addition to a fruit salad.
Raspberries–The ripe, vibrant color of this very perishable fruit makes it a sexy star.
You get the idea. All you have to do is hit your local farmer’s market or grocery store, find the ripest, most luscious fruit there and you’ll have a winning side dish or dessert for your dinner.
And here’s the “dressing” to go with your fruit salad. I found it at, which is, by the way, a great place to find recipes.
Fruit Salad WIth Ginger Syrup
2 servings
For ginger syrup:
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 cup thinly sliced fresh ginger, unpeeled (about 1/4 lb.)
To make syrup:
1. Bring water, sugar and ginger to a boil and stir until sugar is dissolved.
2. Simmer for 8-10 minutes.
3. Remove from heat and let steep for 15 minutes.
4. Strain to remove ginger.
5. Chill, covered, for 2 hours or more.
Toss 2 cups, cut-up fruit with 2 tblsps. mint leaves. Add 1/4 cup chilled syrup or to taste. (Add leftover syrup to iced tea or save for another salad.)