Did you vote in November? Why or why not?

I’m betting most readers of All Politics is Local voted in the November election, meaning we helped voter turnout hit 50 percent. Yes, only half of the people registered to vote in Clark County bothered to do so, landing us in the bottom five counties in terms of turnout with Pierce, Yakima, Franklin and Snohomish.
Wanting insight into why people do and don’t vote, Clark County Citizens for Good Governance posted two surveys on its Facebook page. Chuck Green, who posted the surveys, said they were the work of WSU-V students Coralee Ann Bauer and Jeffrey Posey. They volunteered to survey students and did the initial draft of the surveys, and Green edited the surveys.
The survey for people who didn’t vote can be found here, and it’s a quick 10 questions. It allows non-voters the opportunity to express what turns them off about voting. Or maybe the reasons aren’t all that complex. Maybe they simply forgot.
The survey for people who did vote can be found here, and lets voters express whether they cast a ballot out of a sense of obligation or do they really think they can make a difference? Or both?
The surveys are filled out anonymously, so fill out the one that applies to you and don’t hold back.
Green said results will be available in about a month. He’ll post them on the C3G2 Facebook page, and we’ll be sure to do a follow-up blog post.