Status update on Vancouver City Council’s goals – from 2012

As my editor (my supervisor, not the guy selling coffee mugs), could tell you, I met all of my performance goals for 2013. Sadly, the same can’t be said for the Vancouver City Council.

Here’s an update on their goals —  from 2012.

I’m starting with Goal No. 5, because it is funny:

5. Represent and advocate for the community’s interests in the CRC project leading up to a planned 2013 start date. 

Transportation reporter Eric Florip informs me that the rule of thumb is that no matter what year it is, the CRC is always two years away from starting construction. So, there you go, council.

Other goals:

1. Address the future of fire and EMS service and emergency preparedness facilities in Vancouver. Relax, everyone, Chief Joe Molina has got it under control. At least I’ve written stories about using SUVs instead of engines to respond to medical calls, other recommendations to trim expenses and an effort to improve response times.

2. Establish financial policies to help guide the City to fiscal sustainability.  Another work in progress. And things could always be worse.

 3. Establish a strategic plan for the future of policing in the City.  Well, City Manager Eric Holmes knows what he wants, and a new chief has been hired to implement it. Another work in progress.

4. Address the future of Parks and Recreation services in Vancouver. The city and county divorced, the city has a new parks director, rec center fees were tweaked after the divorce and I skipped the last work session, which was with the new parks director, to write about the $9 million verdict against Clark County. So I’m not certain what the future of parks and rec services are in the city. I’m certain they are seen as Essential to Quality of Life Because The Children Are Our Future. I’m also certain that if I missed anything at that Feb. 3 work session, Councilor Jack Burkman will comment below.

6. Address the City’s long-term transportation infrastructure needs. Ugh. Where to start? I had this front-page story about roads and I’m sure you’ve heard grumbling about the state’s transportation package that has little for Clark County. 

7. Evolve the City’s community and economic development functions to better achieve planning and prosperity goals. I don’t even know what this means.

8. Develop and deploy a strategic communication policy and plan. The city is on Twitter. And Facebook. And its website is easy to navigate, as far as government websites go. During a January 27 workshop with the council, Communications Manager Barb Ayers said the city is going to be branded as “City on the River” and unveiled a new city logo.



If you really want to know where the city is with these goals, Holmes has his mid-2013 briefing (on 2013 goals, which are essentially the same but no longer mention the CRC) on the city’s website.








Stephanie Rice

Stephanie Rice

I cover Vancouver city government. Reach me at or 360-735-4508.