Purrr-fect match for Clark County commissioners

While browsing the Humane Society for Southwest Washington’s website in search of a potential newsroom cat that my editors have specifically told me I am not to bring in to the office under any circumstances — his name is going to be Mize, and I’m sure the editors will learn to love him in time — I realized that I should probably touch on the fact that Clark County commissioners met with representatives of the local Humane Society last week.
They’re meeting because, well, the commissioners aren’t too interested in paying them all that much.
Honestly, it didn’t seem like much changed at the meeting. The society still wants the county to pay its fair share for animal shelter services, while commissioners seem to be more interested in helping the group fundraise to make up the lost revenues.
I guess they kind of agreed to bring back more information.
Regardless, I’ve found some cats on the site who are looking for good homes. And while I’m still looking for one who fits the rambunctious profile I want in Mize the Newsroom Cat, I did find a few feline friends who might fit with our three county commissioners who want to help the animal group out.
(It should be noted that anyone reading is welcome to go adopt one of these felines before commissioners get their paws on them. Get it? Paws? Yeah, you guys get it.)
Commissioner David Madore, let me introduce you to Hilary:
Just look at that smile! Come on, you know you want to help this cat have a good home.
From the Humane Society for Southwest Washington: “She is a 3 year old DSH white and black female. She was adopted from us a year or so ago and came in recently as a stray. Her previous adopters could not take her back so she’s looking for a new home. Hilary is a pretty sweet girl who would like to meet any kids in the family. She’s a little unsure of other cats, at first, and would benefit from a slow introduction to any that you already have at home.”
Her adoption ID is 45848. Here is a link to the cat page.
Commissioner Tom Mielke, this is Harley, which is the closest I could find to a cat named after a car:
Awww, look how pleased and content this little guy looks! He’s going to need someone with some patience though, as he’s had a rough start in life. But after seeing the patience you’ve exhibited through most of the commissioners’ marathon board meetings, I think you might be the guy for the job.
From the Humane Society for Southwest Washington: “Hi! I’m Harley! I am a 1 year old red tabby, DMH. I came to the shelter as a stray. I was pretty beat up and had an injury to my right eye and a pretty bad cut on my neck. With the love and care from the staff, I’m working on my appearance and making myself more presentable every day. I’m a great boy and the staff loves me but, probably because of my injuries, I don’t like to be held for very long so I would love a home with no children under the age of 6. Since I have longer hair I will need to be indoors only (I hope that isn’t a problem). Even with everything that has happened, do you think you could be my new family and love me forever? If so bring your kids down and meet me today!”
His adoption ID is 57932. Here is a link to the cat page.
Commissioner Steve Stuart, meet Hazel:
I think you’ll find that the two of you have something in common, as she appears to be the only one in that building who is still taking a look at the newspaper on a daily basis. Also, they’re looking for a home with kids. Tell me this isn’t a match.
From the Humane Society for Southwest Washington: “She is a 2 year old DSH brown tabby. She came to us as a stray and no looking for a family to call her own. Hazel is a bit shy, so we think a slow introduction to her new home as well as other cats would be best for her. If you think you could bring Hazel out of her shell, bring your kids down and meet with her today.”
Her adoption ID is 58390. Here is a link to the cat page.
And again, I would like to stress, that if anyone is interested in adopting an animal, you can visit the Humane Society for Southwest Washington’s website and take a look at who is looking for a home.