Probst deserves an apology from Republicans, according to top Democrat

Senate Democratic Leader Sharon Nelson accused top Republicans of taking notes from Donald Trump by “campaigning on flat-out lies” and said Vancouver Democrat Tim Probst, voters and the director of the state’s Public Disclosure Commission deserve an apology.
Last week, the Washington State Republican Party Chairwoman Susan Hutchison and top elected Republicans accused Evelyn Fielding Lopez of engaging in “illegal and unethical actions” to help Probst. (Check out last week’s blog.)
Nelson accused Hutchison of being caught publicly lying and responding by attacking and bullying Fielding Lopez and the state’s campaign watchdog agency.
The Good Government Leadership Council television ad states Probst “pocketed $750,000 from taxpayers and hit it from the state’s campaign watchdog. Probst was found guilty and fined.”
In her statement, Nelson countered, “The PDC is completely right to let the public know how they actually ruled, and to object to having their good name associated with your political lie.”
Nelson said Republicans couldn’t find any dirt on Probst, so they “added up more than 20 years of paychecks, office costs, travel expenses and benefits from admirable work, and said he was found guilty of pocketing $750,00 from the taxpayers.”
Nelson writes, “It’s not just a lie, it’s a smear that is beneath even today’s low standards for Republican politicians.”
Nelson said there have times when Democrats aren’t pleased with PDC actions.
“But our response has not been to attack the PDC or call into question their neutrality. Instead, we respect their role as an elections watchdog and the actions they take because they are an essential element of a free and fair elections system.”
Nelson said Fielding Lopez, Probst and the voters deserve an apology.