Life Pac surveys candidates on abortion, weed, porn in libraries

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There’s some very interesting reading to be had in Life Pac’s survey of local candidates.

Life Pac is an organization that sends surveys to local candidates—from school boards to the county council—to determine where they stand on issues like abortion, gay marriage, porn in libraries and marijuana.

“Life Pac believes in the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death,” the organization’s website reads. “Striving to be authentically pro-life, we promote a consistent ethic of life regarding abortion, poverty, euthanasia, capital punishment, war, racism, nuclear arms and exploitation, but hold that the toll from abortion today far exceeds the loss from other threats to life.”

The answers, in some cases, are revealing, especially when it comes to the few school board candidates who responded. I mean, what’s the county council going to do? Overthrow Roe v. Wade? But the questions about schools providing birth control and sex education are fascinating.

You can read the surveys here.

Kaitlin Gillespie

Kaitlin Gillespie

I'm the education reporter at The Columbian. Get in touch at or 360-735-4517.

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