Don’t forget to vote in upcoming election

Here’s your friendly reminder that, in every Clark County election, policy decisions and elected officials are selected by a small minority of voters. Only 34.2 percent of Clark County’s 251,528 eligible voters took the time to vote during last fall’s heated election season.
Special elections are no different. Last year’s April 2015 special election saw 25.4 percent turnout. The February 2015 special election did better, with 40.9 percent turnout. February 2014, meanwhile, saw 30.7 percent turnout.
Currently, Tuesday’s special election, which features a slew of school levies dependent on what district you live in, is hovering right around 23.3 percent. So excuse me while I get on my soapbox, but we can definitely do better.
Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by Feb. 9 to be valid, or dropped off at one of the county’s authorized drop locations before 8 p.m. on Election Day. The three 24-hour ballot drop boxes — they’re bright red, so you can’t miss them — are at Battle Ground City Hall, 109 S.W. First St., Battle Ground; Fishers Landing Transit Center, 3510 S.E. 64th Ave.; and downtown Vancouver at West 14th and Esther streets.