County looks to hold forum on horse properties soon

Clark County is working toward a public process to address its code for equestrian properties after a forum on the subject was delayed due to COVID-19.
In February, dozens of horse owners commented at a Clark County Council meeting, decrying various aspects of the county code as onerous. The county scheduled a public forum for March 25 to discuss potential changes.
One pandemic later, the forum was postponed. But the issue that at times pits horse owners against neighbors persists.
One appeal against sanctions imposed by the county is ongoing.
In the meantime, rural residents who live near the potentially unlawful properties have been restless, County Code Administration Director Mitch Nickolds said. “Nearby residents continue to experience and report related impacts on a weekly and, oftentimes, daily basis.”
During a council time meeting Wednesday, councilors discussed a number of options, including holding the virtual forum and establishing a committee to review the equestrian section of the code.
The council opted to direct Nickolds to facilitate the virtual forum, which will likely take place sometime in the next couple of months. The status of the appeal and any potential committee will be decided afterward.