
The doctor is in

At this week’s Clark County Board of Health meeting, the county commissioners learned about electronic cigarettes. The discussion got Commissioner Tom Mielke to thinkin’: What’s really addictive about cigarettes? The nicotine? […]

Sometimes a letter is just a letter

The county commissioners had a lively board time on Wednesday. Here's five observations: State Sen. Don Benton must really love fireworks. Commissioner Steve Stuart said he was approached by, as he […]

Jon Russell hits the blogosphere to criticize mayor

Washougal City Councilman Jon Russell is taking a cue from celebrities like Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan. And while he’s not claiming to have “tiger blood,” Russell is taking to […]

Councilman talks food carts, fireworks

Food carts and fireworks are not usually mentioned in the same breath, with good reason. "Here's your fireworks on a bun" doesn't sound too appetizing. But Battle Ground council member Paul […]

Commissioners identify waste, tracks where it goes

You only had to look at the agenda of Tuesday’s county commissioners meeting for proof of waste in government: Bid Award 2557: Annual Portable Toilet Cleaning Service. Well, $26,864 to handle public […]

Stewart says workshop was illegal

Vancouver City Councilor Jeanne Stewart sent an email Monday saying the council violated city policy on Sept. 13 by making decisions on how it would ask C-Tran board members to […]

You know, after those famed explorers, Ewis and Cark

Yes, mistakes do slip by copy editors and make it into the newspaper. (And we welcome it when people point out our mistakes.) But copy editors catch plenty of mistakes, too, […]

Herrera Beutler doesn't care about abducted children?

Normally we always ask the other side to respond, but we are going to go out on a limb here and say we're pretty sure Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler does […]

Herrera Beutler doesn’t care about abducted children?

Normally we always ask the other side to respond, but we are going to go out on a limb here and say we're pretty sure Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler does […]

A tiger, a hotdog, a Tootsie Roll and a 90s rapper

By now, we’ve all heard about the odd behavior of Oregon Rep. David Wu in recent months. Nothing garnered as much attention as this Halloween photo of the congressman in a […]

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