Candice Jackson’s Wikipedia page update

Battle Ground’s own Candice Jackson may be one of the few people from the city to have her own Wikipedia page; she is the assistant secretary for civil rights at the U.S. Department of Education.
But there’s a downside to that notoriety.
In recent comments in The New York Times, she said 90 percent of college sexual assaults result from drunken hookup regrets.
“Rather, the accusations — 90 percent of them — fall into the category of ‘we were both drunk,’ ‘we broke up, and six months later I found myself under a Title IX investigation because she just decided that our last sleeping together was not quite right,’” Jackson said in an interview with The New York Times.
It garnered a massive amount of backlash, and her Wikipedia page has already been updated to include her statement.
It appears that much of the internet has not taken kindly to the comment. Twitter has blown up with calls for her resignation. Search Twitter and see.
Jackson apologized for the comments on Wednesday, saying, “All sexual harassment and sexual assault must be taken seriously — which has always been my position and will always be the position of this department.”
By the time you read this blog post, that Wikipedia page may have changed, but her public image won’t, at least in the short term. She can join the long list of chastised White House staff.