Campbell campaign to donate remaining contributions

Scott Campbell , a candidate for Vancouver City Council, raised more than $21,000 in campaign contributions before he died Sept. 17. With $10,885 in expenditures, that leaves almost $10,500 in unallocated contributions.
Jim Mains, Campbell’s campaign spokesperson, said once all outstanding bills are paid, the money will be donated to a local nonprofit or charity. The campaign just needs to wait until after the November election when the funds are deemed surplus.
“What we would do is we would work with the family and say, ‘Hey, this could be a cool opportunity to give back to a local organization in Scott’s name,” Mains said.
Mains said they were also considering the possibility to give back surplus donations to contributors, but “I feel that was such a small amount most people would probably want to give it to a charity.”
Funds cannot be given to another candidate, according to Kim Bradford, Washington Public Disclosure Commission communications director.
A final tally of available funds should be ready in early October.