Author: Staff

The gift of gab

During Wednesday's work session on increasing the 911 tax, the men in the room far outnumbered the women. In addition to the all-male roster of county commissioners, county administrator and […]

Local officials step it up

There was quite a bit of action in Clark County stairwells Wednesday. Local officials and business owners encouraged people to take the stairs instead of boarding an elevator to celebrate the […]

A politician's best friend

Jack Burkman's miniature Australian shepherd puppy Tazzy Happy Cinco de Mayo, and may we also say feliz National Pet Week! We heard this week about how Vancouver City Councilor Pat Campbell has […]

A politician’s best friend

Jack Burkman's miniature Australian shepherd puppy Tazzy Happy Cinco de Mayo, and may we also say feliz National Pet Week! We heard this week about how Vancouver City Councilor Pat Campbell has […]

"I think that should end the matter entirely"

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and Councilor Jeanne Stewart have gone back and forth over Leavitt referring to her as "pandering" in an email. Hopefully, what we here are now calling "Pandergate" […]

“I think that should end the matter entirely”

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and Councilor Jeanne Stewart have gone back and forth over Leavitt referring to her as "pandering" in an email. Hopefully, what we here are now calling "Pandergate" […]

Like herding cats…

Monday night, County Animal Control visited the Vancouver City Council to discuss planned increases in fines for certain violations, including having an unlicensed pet. But that's not exactly what the council […]

Commissioner's mug threatened

A reader alerted me yesterday to a plot to blackmail Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart. My mind started racing. What could someone have on Big Stu? I mean, something more […]

Commissioner’s mug threatened

A reader alerted me yesterday to a plot to blackmail Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart. My mind started racing. What could someone have on Big Stu? I mean, something more […]

Patriotic postings

News and commentary of Osama bin Laden's death flooded the Internet, TV stations and social media websites Sunday night. Here's what some local officials posted on their Facebook pages: Vancouver Mayor […]

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