
March Ended Cold & Wet! Can We Expect The Same In April?

March ended as one of the wettest and coldest in years across many locations in NW Oregon and SW Washington. But you did not need me to tell you that. […]

Finally! 60 Degrees!

Does it feel like summer? Compared to where we have been, it should! As of 3pm, the Portland International Airport has finally reached 60 degrees or higher for the first […]

Weather Record Broken

It's official folks! The Portland International Airport has set a new all-time record for the latest date to record its first 60 degree temperature in a given calendar year. The […]

Weather Record In Jeopardy, Winter Recap & More…

Has it felt wet and cold across the Pacific Northwest lately? If you answered "yes" you would be correct. March is currently running approximately 1.5 degrees below normal at the […]

Powerful Squall Line Hits Metro Area Sunday

I sent this out just a bit ago after getting a good look at all the latest data. What an exciting day yesterday in the weather world. To bad I […]

The Rain Train Rolls On…

The winter of 2010/2011 is just about over according to the calendar. However, looking at the next seven days it appears as though mother nature is going to keep the […]

Coldest February In 18 Years!

8:15am Wednesday --- Good morning! Did February seem like it was a bit on the chilly side? Well, it was. In fact, quite chilly! Here is a little piece I sent […]

Overnight Snowfall

Tuesday 3/1/11 --- Good morning. I mean a "really early" good morning. I am still fighting a cold that has been hanging on for the past 3 weeks. So I came […]

Saturday Snow & Cold – Round 2

4:40pm Saturday Update --- The picture above was sent in from my brother who is in Sunriver, Oregon this weekend. Looks a little chilly, eh? How about those record cold […]

Record Cold & More Snow???

Hope you all enjoyed the snow yesterday. Now we are on to the record cold temperatures tonight. The Portland International Airport set a new coldest daytime high temperature for today […]

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