
Updated Seasonal Climate Forecast

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful weather, for a change. I wanted to share a "great" forecast from a "great" Meteorologist and "great" friend, Pete Parsons! […]

Warmest Weather of The Year On Tap

Warmest Weather of The Year On Tap Hey Pacific Northwest, wake up! It is time to finally get out and enjoy the warmest weather of the year coming to a city […]

Warm Weather Coming?

What's that? Could it be? Sun and warm weather on the way? Now we are talking! But I have to stop for just a moment and ask a question first. […]

Thunderstorm Outbreak This Weekend?

Happy Friday the 13th everyone! As you may have heard, one or two of the local media outlets have mentioned a good chance of seeing a widespread thunderstorm outbreak Saturday […]

Where’s The Sunshine & Warmth?

The image above (albeit not that easy to read here) is the latest Euro model output. It continues to show one weather system after another hanging around the Pacific Northwest […]

Coldest April In 36 Years!

April 2011 will go into the record books as the coldest April in 36 years at many locations across the Pacific Northwest. Astoria, Oregon finally reached 60 degrees yesterday (Sunday) […]

Weather Records In Jeopardy

Weather Records In Jeopardy Feeling a bit cold and wet? Well, spring in the Pacific Northwest is acting a lot more like late winter, as yet another cold system slides into […]

Sweet Sunshine! 70 Degrees!

Now that is more like it, right? Yes indeed! Temperatures across most of the Portland / Vancouver area reached or exceeded 70 degrees today (Saturday 4/23) for the first time […]

AMS Weather Meeting This Thursday!

AMS Weather Meeting This Thursday! Just a quick reminder that we have an excellent and exciting AMS meeting this coming Thursday that you will not want to miss. Respected Bonneville Power […]

Late Season Snow & Cold

An unseasonably cold trough of low pressure is sliding down over the Pacific Northwest from the gulf of Alaska, bringing snow to very low elevations for this time of the […]

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