Yesterday, we ran into Shorty’s to pick up some seed potatoes on our way to the orientation party at the Hazel Dell School and Community Garden. And a truly hideous arborvitae sculpted into a flower caught my eye. I pulled My Pirate by the hand to go take a look at it and take a picture on my phone when a nursery employee redirected me towards something truly unusual and beautiful in the nursery. We walked ten feet over and he pointed up into a tree. And there they were.
Two hummingbird chicks cradled inside a moss and lichen nest!
I ran back out to the truck to grab my real camera. And while I snapped pictures of the two chicks, My Pirate got excited and picked out $20 worth of seed potatoes. Last summer, I spent five dollars on seed potatoes and we had them coming out of our ears. I can’t leave that man unsupervised in a nursery now that he has the gardening bug!
We giggled like two conspirators on our way out of the nursery. I have absolutely no idea where we are going to plant all of those potatoes. Perhaps tucked into the The Pirate’s Cove? But, we are going to feast on fingerlings. And now I have another excuse to visit Shorty’s Nursery later this week.
Laura Heldreth
Hello! My name is Laura Heldreth and most days you can find me playing in my kitchen and vegetable garden.