This is my curbside vegetable garden. I call it The Victory Garden.
I planted it here because this is the only place in my yard that (barely) receives six full hours of direct sunlight. I live under a big fir tree down the street from Burnt Bridge Creek Elementary School. We live on a main thoroughfare and with all the pedestrians and traffic, we receive more comments, questions, and advice. I meet other gardeners and share plants and produce.
This is what our front yard looked like when we bought our house.
I hesitated for two years on building The Victory Garden because I thought that it would stick out like a sore thumb in our neighborhood of lawns and foundation plantings. And it does! But, I watched a growing outbreak of herb and vegetable gardens the following season.
In the spring of 2009, we moved our parking strip plantings and put in raised beds for a vegetable garden. I stained green fir boards and we assembled the beds with deck screws. I chose green fir boards to prevent warping and I stained them a dark color to retain the heat. When we laid them out front, I thought that they looked like coffins. Ack!
We filled the raised beds with compost from our two-year-old compost heap and I added the trellises. I found the trellises at Bi-Mart for $25 each. Each bed is 3 ½ feet wide by fifteen feet long with brick pathways placed in-between.
I filled the beds with herbs, vegetables, and flowers.
The Neighborhood Miscreants threw the trellis tops in the road, so we reattached the tops with Gorilla Glue and screws.
I momentarily panicked when the gas company cut up the road to put in a new line. But the guys placed sheets of plywood up against the garden to protect it from the dust. I almost blew kisses at them.
And then we feasted on fresh produce.
The next year, tree frogs moved into the garden.
I’m so grateful that we built The Victory Garden. Where do you grow your vegetables? I’d love to hear about your garden!
Laura Heldreth
Hello! My name is Laura Heldreth and most days you can find me playing in my kitchen and vegetable garden.