Link: Scariest players in WSU football history

In honor of Halloween, and the fact that Washington State plays tonight against Arizona State, here’s a clever piece by SB Nation’s Jeff Nusser.
Click here to read Scariest Players in WSU Football History.
Sure, there’s scary good, as when Jerome Harrison rushed for 1,900 yards in 2005. There’s scary bad, as when Ty Paine threw an interception every 11 pass attempts during the 1970 season.
Then there’s just plain scary:
No, Freddy Kruger is not on the roster. But, rather than knives, linebacker Andy Mattingly (2006-09) might try to hurt you with a frying pan.
You can’t keep “Friday the 13th” villain Jason Voorhees down. Neither could five men who tried to remove lineman Andy Roof (2005-06) from a party.
Batman’s enemy Poison Ivy has been known to wreak havoc with toxic substances. Safety Xavier Hicks (2006-09) plead guilty to soaking a roommate’s contact lenses in rubbing alcohol.
Carrie destroyed her high school prom in the classic horror film. Linebacker C.J. Mizell was booted from his high school team after an alleged altercation with his coach. He was subsequently kicked out of WSU in 2011 after a fight at a fraternity.