Barking about UW helmets

Part of the fun each Saturday is seeing what uniform combination each team dons.
While Oregon is the standard bearer for unpredictable uniforms in the Pac-12, the Huskies have had their share of combinations. Who remembers the purple helmets of the Jim Lambright era? (bad) …
Or the patriotic helmets worn on Sept. 11, 2011? (Classy)
Well, the Huskies will have some version of a white helmet for Saturday’s game against Illinois at Soldier Field in Chicago. But those eagle-eyed Dawg fans pounced on those picture of John Ross with a helmet that (gasp!) doesn’t have the purple “W”.
Those in the know are trying to keep Husky fans from jumping off the Montlake Bridge, figuratively of course.
@A_Jude Can you please throw water on this uni fire and tell people the purple “W” is put on before the game.
— Griffin Bennett (@GriffinWB) September 11, 2013
Don’t worry. It seems that every time Washington unveils a new uniform, they go back to the classic gold and purple (accompanied by much fanfare about tradition). I think I see a pattern.