Happy Holidays from Sugar and Spice! Need last minute recipe ideas?
Holy cow the party is TONIGHT! I need something fast:
Sugar Cookie Bark– Only 6 ingredients to delicious
Cheater Pants Salted Toffee– an office favorite, I make this in bulk
Salted Pecan Turtles– takes less than an hour
Cranberry Crumble Bars– a less sweet party option
Susan’s Scotcheroos– chocolate and butterscotch bars
Sneaky Snickerdoodles– chewy and thick with a secret ingredient
Candy Cane Oreo Ice Cream– mint + Oreos = amazing
Yikes- the party is tomorrow. I’ve got time for a 2-step recipe:
Eggnog Cupcakes– eggnog cake with eggnog frosting
Gingerbread Bites with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting– miniature spiced cupcakes
Hanukkah Baklava– yes, you really can make baklava at home
Fantastic Fudge– has peppermint patties hiding inside
Naughty List Peanut Butter Fudge– guaranteed to get you in trouble with friends
Macadamia Snowball Cookies– one version of a traditional Christmas cookie
White Chocolate Cranberry Pecan Cookies– perfect for a cookie exchange
Champagne Cupcakes– definitely make these for New Years
Scrumptious 7 Layer Bars– featuring potato chips, an updated version of the classic treat
No worries, I’ve got at least 2 days to tackle this:
Peppermint Ding Dong Cupcakes– to be extra festive, tint the centers red and green
Polka Dot Pound Cake– for the holidays put red and green dots inside
Cherry Cream Cupcakes with Ganache Filling– fancy pretty treats with a triple layered filling
Lemon Ricotta Cookies– time intensive but absolutely amazing
Thank you to all our readers- Sugar & Spice just hit 20,000 views. Have recipe ideas? I’d love to read them in the comments.
Merry Christmas and Happy Baking!
baklava bark cake Christmas cookie dessert eggnog fudge gingerbread holiday recipe snickerdoodle toffee treat
Anna Lookingbill
I'm a self-taught Betty Crocker. Food should be pretty, delicious and have sprinkles. Professionally I'm a clinical social worker. Follow me on Facebook and Pinterest- Sugar and Spice Baking Blog- for great recipes, amazing restaurants and culinary adventures.