Wafeltjes (Belgian Waffle Cookies)
I found this recipe on the blog, Jillian in Italy (via Pinterest). These cookies looked so delicious, I had to make them. Wafeltjes are so one tasty cookie! They were extremely time consuming, since the batter made a lot and I didn’t have the foresight to only make half a recipe. I ended up giving half the cookies away and we still had tons leftover. These cookies also have 3+ cubes of butter in them (yes, THREE!) and six eggs. Not the healthiest. :/ Wafeltjes are now filed under ‘make once a year’ in my recipe binder.
Since this recipe is in grams, I used my handy kitchen scale & weighed the ingredients in grams. If you don’t have a kitchen scale, you can type the grams into this website and it will convert the recipe into cups for you.
Wafeltjes by Jillian in Italy
Recipe yield: 50+ cookies
500g pastry flour ( I used a 50/50 mix of cake flour & all purpose flour)
400g butter
300g sugar
6 eggs
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 vanilla bean (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
pinch of salt
1. Gently melt the butter (make sure it doesn’t color).
2. In the bowl of your mixer put in the flour and sugar. Add the baking powder, salt and the scraped out seeds of the vanilla bean (or the tsp of vanilla extract).
3. Mix on medium low speed and slowly add the eggs one at a time. Let mix for one minute then slowly pour in melted butter.
4. Cover bowl and put in fridge for at least one hour.
5. After letting the dough sit in fridge heat up waffle iron. Make small balls of dough and drop onto waffle iron. (My batter was still slightly fluid like regular waffle batter & I was not able to make balls of dough).
6.Let bake until golden brown and remove from iron with wooden skewer onto a cooling rack. Store in covered container. Makes: a lot!