
PTFC Name new assistant coach – Sean McAuley – Official PTFC News Release

Portland Timbers Communications 9:00 AM (1 hour ago) to Portland For immediate release: July 16, 2012 Chris Metz (503) 553-5433, Marc Kostic (503) 553-5415, TIMBERS NAME SEAN McAULEY AN ASSISTANT […]

Portland Timbers Official News Release July 14 – Galaxy 5 – Timbers 3

Portland Timbers Communications 12:00 AM (14 hours ago) to Portland For immediate release: July 14, 2012 Chris Metz (503) 553-5433 […]

What Happened vs What to Watch For (Timbers 3 – Galaxy 5)

I'm not here to write to you about the scoreline from the game last night; for those who want that type of information I will post the official PTFC News […]

Some future questions I will be asking as I attend training sessions

What happens when Songo'o, KAH, Nagbe, Alexander, Chara are all healthy or not sitting due to red cards? When do Braun, Wallace and Zizzo get more playing time? What happens to the […]

Timbers vs Galaxy >>> Some before the match thoughts for today.

A huge home game that is nationally televised for the Timbers kicks-off at 8:00 PM this evening according to the Timbers web site: Once again a sellout crowd is […]

PTFC Launches new Food Cart Alliance Program

Portland Timbers Communications 10:45 AM (5 hours ago) to Portland For immediate release: July 13, 2012 Chris Metz (503) 553-5433 […]

Training Today with Portland Timbers – 13 July, 2012

I had the opportunity to attend my first Portland Timbers training session at the Beaverton facility today. As it was my first session I did not request any interviews but instead […]

Portland Timbers News Release – 12 July 2012

For immediate release: July 12, 2012 Chris Metz (503) 553-5433 , Marc Kostic […]

VERY EARLY “What to Watch For” July 14 Timbers vs L A Galaxy

For me this will be an easy week - but probably a pretty hard match analysis to follow up with... My WTWF is simply stated - Watch the system of play […]

John Spencer sacked as Head Coach

What that means is difficult to tell at this point... more later. It appears Gavin Wilkinson will take over as interim coach... […]

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