Political Beat

Health reform backwash roils state politics

Acrimony and petitions are flying thick and fast in Washington now that health reform is the law of the land. Trying to keep track of the fallout here at home […]

Clark County Dems: Stay the Course on CRC

The Clark County Democratic Central Committee has taken the unusual step of endorsing a new Interstate 5 Bridge and light rail extension into Vancouver and warning against "political rhetoric that […]

Benton campaign a family affair

State Sen. Don Benton has enlisted his three sons, age 23, 15 and 13, in his campaign to defeat U.S. Sen. Patty Murray. They'll be helping the Vancouver […]

Candidates boast NRA stamp of approval

At its March 13 banquet, the National Rifle Association of Clark County issued "awards of appreciation" to state Sen. Don Benton, 18th District candidates Ann Rivers and Jon Russell, and […]

Health care blitz escalates

The intense lobbying campaign over health care reform that targeted U.S. Rep. Brian Baird peaked Friday with mass e-mails from the White House urging Vancouver residents to generate 193 calls […]

Pridemore lands ILWU endorsement

Sen. Craig Pridemore has won the endorsement of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 4 in his campaign for the the 3rd Congressional District seat. It's the Vancouver Democrat's first […]

GOP turns up heat on Heck to state health care views

The Republican Party is pressuring Democratic congressional candidate Denny Heck to state his position on the Senate health care reform bill the House is preparing to vote on soon. On […]

Martin’s World

Martin Hash got rich inventing 3-D animation software that's used around the world. For fun, he goes backpacking with his wife for 10 months across Africa and the Middle East […]

Martin's World

Martin Hash got rich inventing 3-D animation software that's used around the world. For fun, he goes backpacking with his wife for 10 months across Africa and the Middle East […]

Bye, bye, Orthodontics and Prosthetics Advisory Committee

Who says lawmakers in Olympia couldn't find the gumption to slice some fat from the $30 billion two-year state budget this year? This week the House of Representatives voted to eliminate […]

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