Political Beat

Washington political ads hit Portland airwaves

Citizens of Portland might be nearly as informed about who's running for office in Washington state as their neighbors to the north, thanks to a series of political ads hitting […]

Probst denounces statements made in independent push poll

When staunch Republican Lynda Wilson got a phone call at her Clark County home from a pollster -- and when that pollster began bad mouthing state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver […]

For the record: Haugen still opposes the CRC

Democratic congressional candidate Jon Haugen has received some emails lately asking if he has changes his stance on the Columbia River Crossing -- from opposing the project, to supporting the […]

Candidates being… candid?

Candidates have been opening up lately about other politicians, even those in their own party. State Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, was candid when speaking about Jon Haugen, the Democrat running to […]

Benton asks Probst for apology over campaign mailer

Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, sent out a press release on Wednesday stating that his opponent, Rep. Tim Probst, D-Vancouver, is "either ignorant, a liar or both" because of information provided […]

Examining Benton’s missed votes defense

It’s no secret that missed votes have become an issue in the 17th District Senate race. Incumbent state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, has missed 299 votes during the past four […]

Examining Benton's missed votes defense

It’s no secret that missed votes have become an issue in the 17th District Senate race. Incumbent state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, has missed 299 votes during the past four […]

Occupy Vancouver U.S.A. likely to disband

Clark County’s Occupy movement organizers say they may disband in October due to lack of focus and participation. The movement’s domain name – occupyvancouverusa.org – is about to expire, and […]

Peterson’s story comment deja vu

Republican legislative candidate Debbie Peterson is making the rounds on Northwest news websites to express her support for state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver. Benton has made headlines lately for threatening to […]

Peterson's story comment deja vu

Republican legislative candidate Debbie Peterson is making the rounds on Northwest news websites to express her support for state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver. Benton has made headlines lately for threatening to […]

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