Political Beat

Outside groups spend big bucks bashing Probst, Benton

Senate candidates in Clark County's 17th Legislative District are in the top five when it comes to the amount of money spent against them this election season by outside political […]

Education advocate finds campaign sign misleading

The former co-chair of the Battle Ground-based Citizens for Better Schools paused upon seeing a campaign sign for Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, that states: "Teachers support Benton." The problem, Lisa Henry […]

Yard sign enthusiast leaving homeowners association behind

Remember Lisa Schmidt, the woman who butted heads with her homeowners association over the signs in her yard that say "stand up for religious freedom"? She's decided to move into […]

Haugen says Herrera Beutler is dodging debates

In a biting press release, Democratic congressional candidate Jon Haugen blasted his political rival, U.S. Rep. Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, for allegedly dodging his debate challenges. The two will both be at […]

Herrera Beutler answers final question from live chat

During a live chat with readers on The Columbian's website last week, U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, had to run before answering a final reader question on same-sex marriage. […]

Machines for voters with disabilities rarely used in county

Despite a technology that allows Clark County voters with disabilities to cast their ballots in secret, it appears most prefer to continue to vote by mail with the help of […]

Candidate forum focuses on people with disabilities

Care about political issues pertaining to people with disabilities? You should, Joelle Brouner told a crowd gathered earlier this month for a legislative candidate forum at Clark College. Chances are, […]

Occupy Vancouver U.S.A. survives first birthday

Happy anniversary, Occupy Vancouver U.S.A.. Today marks the one-year anniversary of when the local manifestation of Occupy Wall Street stunned local authorities and reporters’ expectations with a 700-person march Oct. […]

Something’s amiss with Schmidt’s campaign finance data

If you're looking up state Senate candidate Ralph Schmidt's campaign contribution information on the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission's website, you might want to take that information with a grain […]

Something's amiss with Schmidt's campaign finance data

If you're looking up state Senate candidate Ralph Schmidt's campaign contribution information on the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission's website, you might want to take that information with a grain […]

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