Who missed the most votes in 2015?
The bulk of Southwest Washington’s lawmakers had perfect voting records in the 2015 regular legislative session, according to WashingtonVotes.org, a nonpartisan organization that tallies lawmakers’ voting records.
Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, missed the most roll call votes out of any of the region’s delegation; Benton missed 13 votes out of 594 votes on the Senate floor during the regular 103-day regular session.
Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, missed 10 roll call votes out of 549 House roll call votes. Moeller, who is speaker pro tempore of the House, is often the one presiding over the floor. He missed the 10 roll call votes due to a dentist appointment, he said.
Sens. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, and Ann Rivers, R-La Center, didn’t miss a vote.
Neither did Reps. Lynda Wilson, R-Vancouver, Liz Pike, R-Camas, Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, Brandon Vick, R-Felida, or Sharon Wylie, D-Vancouver.
Sen. David Frockt, D-Seattle, missed the most votes in 2015 with 112 roll call votes. Frockt said an immediate member of his family had a serious medical condition.
Lawmakers introduced more than 2,440 bills during the regular legislative session, out of those 308 passed the Legislature. There were 95 lawmakers with perfect attendance.
Last week, lawmakers adjourned only to be called back into a 30-day special session this week. They have yet to agree on a two-year operating budget, a transportation package or how to adequately fund the state’s public schools.