Keepers of the Capsule

In November, Washington state will have a big birthday: the whopping 1-2-5.
Part of the celebration will include opening up a 3,000-pound safe, kept at the state Capitol in Olympia, which includes 16 time capsules meant to be filled with new items every 25 years.
But the state needs help from children who will turn 10 years old somewhere between Nov. 4 and Nov. 18 of this year, and who are willing to serve as the next generation of “Keepers of the Capsule.”
The first time capsules were created when the state turned 100 on Nov. 11, 1989, and hundreds of 10-year-olds took an oath to remind the state of the whereabouts and existence of the official Centennial Time Capsule. The goal is to open all the time capsules in 2389 when the state turns 500.
The next generation of Keepers of the Capsule will be sworn in on Nov. 11. Children interested must have a parent or guardian complete a registration form, available here: by Oct. 21.
Here’s a shot of the original Keepers: