I’m back! Sorta.

Howdy Clark County Fair Fans!!
I trust you all have been joining me in the annual countdown to the BEST FAIR ON THE PLANET!! We’re down to mere hours now for Friday’s opening and the free pancake breakfast sponsored by Fred Meyer. WHOO HOO!
(Get your tickets ASAP at the Customer Service desk of any county Fred Meyer if you want free flapjacks AND free entry to the Fair on Friday morning!)
If you’ve followed along here the past few years, you know that I’ve had an absolute blast-and-a-half sharing the Fair with you. The animals, the events in the Grandstands, the Clark County Equestrian Fair Court, the 4-H exhibits, the milkshakes and homemade pie. All of the stuff that makes the Clark County Fair ours.
So I am sad to say that for various reasons, including recovering from a recent ACL surgery (beware of stepping on large sticks, people. Trust me on this.), I am unfortunately going to bow out of blogging for the Columbian this year.
I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity the newspaper has given me the past several years to bring my version of The Fair to you. They graciously let me run with it and run I did. A sincere and heartfelt thank you to them… and to you for joining me.
I will still be attending The Fair this year but probably going it at a little more slowly. I’ll be playing around with a new Instagram account so feel free to follow me at “its_the_fair” It won’t be nearly as detailed or as frequent an account as all things Fair as you’ve found here, but it will give me something to do as I give my knee a rest.
Thank you all again for coming along for the Fair Ride these past few years! Hope to see you around the Fairgrounds!