
Bacon fascination

We wrap it around fruit and veggies. We adorn burgers with it. We eat it as a side dish – or a main dish. It’s the so-called candy of meat. Bacon is […]

New kind of vending machine

Shippensburg University in central Pennsylvania has a new kind of vending machine on campus. Rather than vending machine staples like candy, cookies and chips, the campus health center’s vending machine has […]

Warped body image

Americans have a warped sense of body image. I think few would disagree with that. But exactly how warped? Linda Bradley, a Washington State University professor in Pullman, recently asked the […]

Counting Girl Scout cookie calories

It’s cookie time. Girl Scout cookies are now on sale. To celebrate cookie season, the people at Everyday Health had a nutritionist give her take on the Thin Mints, Samoas and Do-Si-Dos. Nutritionist […]

America’s sugar addiction

America’s sugar addiction is out of control. In the 1800s, the average American consumed 18 pounds of dietary sugar per year. Today, the average American consumes 150 pounds of dietary sugar […]

America's sugar addiction

America’s sugar addiction is out of control. In the 1800s, the average American consumed 18 pounds of dietary sugar per year. Today, the average American consumes 150 pounds of dietary sugar […]

Injected meth ups suicide risk

Turns out injecting methamphetamine doesn’t only negatively effect physical and mental health; it can also make a person more likely to attempt suicide. In a recent study, researchers at Columbia […]

Diabetic Deen

Shocking news from TV land: Paula Deen has type II diabetes. The news really shouldn’t be all that surprising. The Food Network personality is known for whipping up southern dishes that […]

Power of magnets

A Brooklyn 13-year-old is learning the hard way about the power of magnets. The teenager accidently swallowed powerful “rare earth” magnets that were part of a fake tongue piercing. The teen […]

Need a workout partner? Look no further

Need some motivation to stick to that New Year’s resolution to drop a few pounds? What about a workout partner? The Oregon Humane Society has the perfect pet. Meet Walter: Walter tips the […]

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