Teeth grinding keeps Washingtonians up at night

What’s keeping Americans awake at night? Mattress retailer Mattress Firm set out for answers.
A Google Trends report revealed the top sleep-related searches for each state. While sleep apnea topped the list in most states (16), that wasn’t the most-searched disorder for Washingtonians.
Here, people most frequently searched teeth grinding (bruxism). Four other states are full of teeth-grinders: Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Connecticut.
The rest of the West Coast searched most often for insomnia – the second-most common sleep issue searched. That was most popular for 15 states.
Other commonly searched terms were REM sleep behavior disorder (seven states) and night terrors (five states). Two states searched restless leg syndrome most often. And Minnesota was the only to inquire most about hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness).
In Hawaii, folks most often Google jet lag. Makes sense since the state is in a different time zone than the rest of the country.
But Mississippi has the most interesting top search: sleepwalking. It’s the only state to be so curious about the condition.