Greg Jayne

What’s Going On At Oregon?

Hubris, according to Webster's, is "exaggerated pride or self-confidence." Which, at the risk of playing amateur psychologist, would seem to be a problem at the University of Oregon. Let's review […]

What's Going On At Oregon?

Hubris, according to Webster's, is "exaggerated pride or self-confidence." Which, at the risk of playing amateur psychologist, would seem to be a problem at the University of Oregon. Let's review […]

Glad He’s Somebody Else’s Problem

From the "no, duh" file of every Blazers fan, Bill Simmons writes that Rasheed Wallace is insufferable. Sheed will finish the 2009-10 regular season next week as my least favorite Celtic […]

Glad He's Somebody Else's Problem

From the "no, duh" file of every Blazers fan, Bill Simmons writes that Rasheed Wallace is insufferable. Sheed will finish the 2009-10 regular season next week as my least favorite Celtic […]

Odds And Ends: Time For The Scheyer Face

Time to play a little catch-up on the blog. Let's go to the links: — Great practical joke by Duke's John Scheyer: On his Twitter account, he wrote "Hollerrrr at me!!!" […]

Is Brandon Roy Good Enough To Be The Best Player On A Title Team?

I'm finally getting around to answering a question that should influence every move the Blazers make in the coming years: Is Brandon Roy good enough to be the best player […]

LeBron James Speaks The Truth

Great quote from LeBron James here, which plays into our blog discussion (see comments) about scoring titles: "If I really wanted to," James said, "if I really wanted to be the […]

Paul Allen Speaks Out . . . Sort Of

Only about three days too late, Paul Allen has issued a statement regarding Kevin Pritchard's job security and says . . . absolutely nothing. Some have postulated that Allen owed it to […]

The Man With The Golden Arm

For no particular reason other than it's awesome, here's a story about a man who has saved 2 million babies. Seriously. Thanks to for the link. […]

The Kind Of Guy You Want On Your Team

As Bill Simmons spends 700 pages explaining in "The Book of Basketball," there can be a difference between being a good NBA player and being a foxhole player — the […]

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