Story provided by Vancouver historian and ghost hunter Jeff Davis, from his website at http://www.ghostsandcritters.com/
FROM: Jason S
DATE: 15 September 2004
SUBJECT: Vancouver Barracks
My dad is a very level-headed person as he’s been through quite a lot throughout his life and easily brushes things off but one instance did creep him out.
He has been a heating and cooling man for about 35 odd years and was out on a job at the Vancouver Barracks.
Well, he could only work at certain designated times so as not to disrupt their schedule.
Bubby was a 150-pound Rottweiler who was the most docile, mild-mannered dog I’ve ever known. He also loved going with my dad anywhere, so he would occasionally take Bubby to jobs if there was no one there or it was a night job.
Well, one night my dad was working when Bubby started growling at the corner of the room and soon escalated to a more aggressive stance; i.e. puffing his chest, baring teeth and fur raised.
I cannot express how sweet his demeanor consistently was, he loved EVERYBODY!
Soon he high tailed it out of there and would not go back into the building.
Needless to say, my dad packed up his tools and left for the night.