
How to prune (and not prune) large trees

Large trees growing near homes and other structures can be dangerous during windy weather, especially if they have wounds, rot or weak branch connections. However, far too many healthy large […]

Give young tree roots some space

One of the best favors you can do for a young tree is to provide a grass and weed-free area around the trunk. This circle not only reduces competition for […]

Plant Vegetables for Late Summer, Fall and Winter Harvest

Many vegetables can be planted in July for harvest in late summer, fall and winter. Radishes mature in about 3 weeks. By repeat planting every 2 weeks, you have fresh […]

Trimming Hedges

When trimming any hedge it is important to shorten the upper branches more than lower ones. The upper branches grow faster than the lower ones and if the same amount […]

Control Cabbage (Broccoli, Cauliflower) Worms

You may have noticed those little white moths flying around your cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and related vegetables. Or you may have noticed holes in some of the leaves. The moths lay […]

More Water, Bigger Fruit

One way to increase the size of cherries, apples, blueberries, raspberries, tomatoes, peppers or any other fruit or fruiting vegetables is to increase the amount of irrigation water. Since a […]

Do You Have A Green Thumb?

I recently had a conversation with a friend who admits he "is not into growing plants". He commented, "I guess I don't have a green thumb." And then he almost […]

Is It Time to Irrigate?

Last Friday I noticed a few wilted areas in my lawn. So I decided it was time to irrigate on Saturday. Then I woke up to drizzle. The all day […]

Taller Grass Has More and Deeper Roots

Years ago I observed an experiment where lawn grass was grown in pots and cut at various lengths. After 6 months soil was washed from the roots and dry weight […]

Protect Trees from Damage and Death by Trimmer

The line trimmer has become almost as common as the lawn mower for landscapers and gardeners. It gives lawns that finished touch with all the edges neatly trimmed. Young trees […]

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