Is It Time to Remodel Your Landscape?

I have moved into a home with an established landscape. I would like to keep the best of what I have and improve the landscape in other areas. I don’t know quite where to begin.

The main problem with most mature landscapes is overgrown shrubs which no longer enhance your home. They may have been sheared so they are all round balls or boxy hedges. They may have lost their leaves at the bottom because of overgrown top growth. In many cases, shrubs have grown together so they no longer have their individual shape or character.

Take a critical look at your landscape and make plans for some remodeling. Even if your landscape is relatively young, you may be able to see shrubs that will soon be overcrowded. You may be able to remove some of the extra ones before they have completely grown together. This will allow the remaining ones to retain their natural shape. Will some light pruning on remaining shrubs help before they become overgrown?

My sister has a rather unique method of remodeling her landscape. She has lived in her home for over 50 years. She takes one section at a time to remodel. She removes all plants from the area. Plants which are still in good condition or salvageable, she puts into pots and sets them aside for later reuse or to give to friends. (She has lots of friends eager to take her left over plants). Then she makes a plan and installs new plants. Sometime she reuses the plants that have been previously removed, usually in new locations. Her landscape is constantly changing, (like you might change the furniture one room at a time). The large, mature trees are one constant factor that give her landscape permanency.

Perhaps your family needs have changed and remodeling would make your landscape more useful. If you would like some ideas on how to remodel your landscape, send me an email. There is no charge for a half hour consultation. I do a lot of landscape remodeling.


Allen Wilson

Allen has been writing about gardening for over 30 years. He is a retired professor of Horticulture.

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