Ridgefield Celebrates First Saturday

Tail gate party Feb 16Bundle up the kids, throw on your favorite team colors and truck on down to Ridgefield for a tailgate party extravaganza on First Saturday, February 6. Here’s the schedule for the day.

10:00 – 3:00 Tailgate Festivities at Overlook Park: flag football games, cornhole, punt-pass-kick contest, and football throw contest, Farmer’s Market, Spudder gear,  Ridgefield Art Association, nacho cooking demonstration, and more!

Live music

Outdoor Beer Garden . . . and mulled wine.


Noon – 3:00 1st Annual Community Chili Challenge at Overlook Park

Bring your best pot of chili for judging. Compete to win cash, swag and bragging rights! (Applications will be available on the City’s website and at City Hall on January 11 and must be submitted no later than January 30.)

$25 entry fee; $250 grand prize; $100 second prize.

Tasting and voting begins at NOON.

Football Scavenger Hunt: Find football team mascots at participating merchants around town and win prizes!

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