Author: Chrisetta Mosley

OUTSIDE of the Box: Clark College Winter '13

Yesterday, I delivered back-to-back lectures for Health 100: Food and Your Health. This time at the snazzy newest Clark College campus - Columbia Tech Center. What can I say, I […]

"Eat To Live"

Yesterday, I proudly spent the afternoon at Portland State University as a part of a panel addressing obesity, disease prevention, and health. I'm humbled and honored to have been a […]

Twice crippled

Yesterday, February 17, 2013, marked two years since I was hit by a car while walking in a parking lot. As a result of the accident, I suffered an Acute […]

V day!

Yesterday, was V day with a double meaning. It was Valentine's Day, but I also declare it Veronica day. A little history...Veronica Brock was my Health 100: Food and Your […]

Coupon trap

Oh, joy! I always look forward to the tons of ads and coupons in junk Tuesday mail. I've touched on the subject before, but it may be helpful to re-address […]

Repost: I believe

It's good to have encouragement and support from others, but at the end of the day -- what we believe about ourselves is MOST important. For a long time, I […]

It's heavy

As the cashier loaded my grocery bag she cautioned, "It's heavy." I smirked and replied, "Yeah that's fine. I got it. Thanks." She's right, it was a little heavy, but it […]

Outside of the Box: Chili

I'm on a mission to share my love for good, real food -- Outside of the Box with you. Today, I whipped up spicy, hearty beef chili served with Cilantro […]

Repost: Retrain your brain

At my last few events I've been speaking with lots of people who are having a hard time changing their eating habits. It's hard. Trust me, I know. If you […]

Outside of the Box: Cookin' with teens

Wow. Just when I think it can't get any better it does. Last night, I hosted a cooking demo for teens at the Cascade Park Community Library. The youth and teens […]

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