Author: Chrisetta Mosley

What's for dinner?

Bean and Kale Chicken Soup The key to any good chicken soup is to use bone in chicken. A little chicken goes a long way so I only used one breast, […]

Repost: Recipe Wednesday Greek Quinoa Bowl

Tomorrow the third installment of cookbooks will be delivered to Clark College bookstore for use Spring Quarter 2013. Funny, how time flies when you're having fun...The first installment went on […]

Eat Your Colors

I love the produce section in all its splendor. All the rich, vibrant colors: Greens, oranges, reds, yellows, purples, on and on. Not only are fruits and vegetables a beautiful […]

Outside of the Box: Salads with Whole Grains

I love teaching cooking classes. It's the best of both worlds. I love food. So talking about food, good real food, cooking food, and then feeding an eager crowd - […]

Be the change

When I began this amazing journey of self-discovery and weight loss in 2009. I simply was trying to find myself. I did not like who I had become and so […]

KBOO 90.7 FM: Wednesday Talk Radio

It's always a fun, talkative time with Lisa Loving and The Baker Sisters. Though, I've never been in the company of them all. Today, was my lucky day, I had […]

Camas & Washougal On a Diet – Video Shoot

Honored. Excited! But, also saddened that our country is in such a state that I have this opportunity. I've been asked to be the presenter for Camas and Washougal On […]

What's Happening in March

Sometimes, I just have to pause and say thank you. First and foremost to God for all His Gifts and Blessings. Next, I'm grateful, thankful, and appreciative for everyone who […]

Fitness and Wellness talk

For the month of February, I've been busy, busy at Clark College lecturing for Health classes. I started the month with Health lectures and concluded the month with motivational talks for […]

My attitude, my choice

It's always about me. Wait, allow me please to elaborate. I'm a work in progress. Aren't we all? The more I grow as a person, I realize that regardless of the […]

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