Twice crippled
Yesterday, February 17, 2013, marked two years since I was hit by a car while walking in a parking lot. As a result of the accident, I suffered an Acute Tibial Plateau Fracture and two weeks later I had Open Reduction Surgery to repair it. The surgery left me with a metal plate and 14 screws in my left leg. I spent months and months healing and rehabbing my leg.
At the time of the accident, I was actively working to kick obesity to the curb. I’d lost about 145 pounds, been working out faithfully, and I was in the best shape of my life. I was feeling really, really good. I was even training to run a half marathon that upcoming summer.
It’s funny how in the blink of an eye things can change. I went from training for my first ever half marathon to rehabbing a fractured Tibia with no warning.
I’m grateful the accident didn’t cause more damage. Though, I do sometimes wonder where I’d be physically if I weren’t for the accident. Two years later, I’m able to perform all physical activities that I was able to perform pre-accident. I have to be more cautious doing some activities, but I can do most everything and I do most everything.
There have been two times in my life when I was crippled and unable to walk:
- When I was weighed down by 388 pounds
- When I was hit by a car and suffered a broken Tibia
When I was crippled by the weight there was no desire to be physical activity. But, when my leg was fractured I had a burning desire to be active. Working out had become a huge part of my new life. Understandably, I was saddened, angry, and scared. Sad because my physical endurance was at it’s peak. Angry because why me. Scared to think maybe my leg wouldn’t heal and I wouldn’t be able to walk or be active again.
After a huge pity party with party favors included. I decided not to hang my head. Instead, with a positive attitude I put in the necessary work. My leg was broken, but not my spirit. So, I stayed active working out at the gym doing what I could do, going to physical therapy, and I even kept a social calendar. After six months of rehabbing I was able to resume most activities. And, in the midst of it all I lost 15 pounds!
Since I’ve been crippled twice in my life, I can appreciate the simple act of walking that much more. I will never, ever take the simple act of walking for granted. I walk because I can. I walk because it feels good. I walk because I remember when I couldn’t walk and I so desperately wanted to. Now, when I put one foot in front of the other I realize how precious my steps are.
So, yesterday, to celebrate two-year post accident, I hit LaCamas Heritage Trail, walking.